The “Why”

Keisha 8 yr.jpg

Have you ever wondered why you do what you do? Or why your support this cause over another? I often tell the story of why I started MKUU. My why consisted of “the images girls see today do not depict realty.” “Reality tv is not reality.” The list goes on; but, I realized those statements were surface level reasons. My “why” is contained in the above picture of me. I can’t pinpoint the exact year but from the outfit and my memory, this was early in the fourth grade, a mere 9 years old. What lied behind this smile was someone who was intelligent but afraid. A girl who lacked self-esteem, self-confidence and desperately longed for attention. Although I went on to have many role models, I would not come to fully know the power within until decades later.

My “why” is because I understand what young females face. The internal battle to be me while heavily influenced by external circumstances - some by choice. I want every girl to know that they have the power to lead her own life with conviction and without regret. The power to influence with each decision she makes. The power to unapologetically be who she is!

I wish I could have been a part of a program like MKUU when I was young. I didn’t. But, I have no regrets because it pushed me to be the change. Discover your “why” and let it inspire you to play your part in shaping a better tomorrow. I invite you all to be a part of this transformation, influencing our next generation of female leaders.

I pray that little 8 year old girl is proud of this 52 year old woman because, despite what lied beneath, I am her and she is me and we are love.


What if…